Food is any substance eaten to supply nutrition to an organism. The majority of food that humans eat is a plant, animal, or fungi origin, and normally contains some essential nutrients, like vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. Humans have been eating food in their diets since their evolution; however, food habits have changed through time. Most people have a daily diet of cooked food consisting of bread, cereals, potatoes, rice, and other foods.
Our bodies’ primary requirement for nutrition is the food we eat. The process of digestion produces nutrients in the form of water, which is absorbed and used by the body to support the normal functioning of all organs. However, there are nutrients that are required by the body in greater quantities than what the body can absorb, resulting in a deficiency in some essential nutrients. These are generally food-borne pathogenic bacteria and viruses, which may cause serious illness if ingested. A diet deficient in these nutrients can lead to malnutrition, which weakens the immune system and exposes the body to infections.
Foods that are not part of the human diet include those rich in fat and sugar, which are difficult to digest and usually end up as faecal matter in the stomach. Fatty acids are vital to the production of cholesterol, which is responsible for the structure and function of the cells in the body. Too much fat and sugar can also be toxic to the body, causing diseases like diabetes and heart disease. The body needs a regular supply of energy, which food does not contain, so it must be supplemented with manufactured energy through the process of fasting. Fasting is performed in a number of ways, including dietary supplements and intense exercise routines, both of which may help you to fast more efficiently.