Information, in a broad sense, is structured, processed and organized data that informs a decision about something. It gives context to previously processed data and allows effective decision making. For instance, a single customer’s sale in a restaurant is information it becomes information if the company is able to identify which of the least or most popular dish is. Decision making about any activity becomes easier when data is organized into meaningful information.
If you want to maximize profits without having to learn complex strategies, you need to learn how to manage uncertainty in the face of unexpected events. The uncertainty results from the fact that human beings are not perfect and are fallible. Uncertainty also occurs because of a lack of knowledge: without data you would have no way of evaluating your strategies without an inbuilt bias towards risk. However, even with the best information available, if you do not have good strategies in place to manage uncertainty, you will still suffer from the uncertainty inherent in risk.
Uncertainty is a natural part of the process of learning, as is bias. Both of them can affect your decision-making. You can make the uncertainty larger by having inadequate strategies in place. But you can reduce the impact of uncertainty and bias by using a tool called business analytics tools. Business analytics tools is software that helps you understand the risk that a change in one factor will have in relation to another factor. Once you understand the risk, you can plan accordingly and minimize the downside effect of uncertainty.